I have been busy these last few months. Unfortunately the majority of of the shoots I’ve been involved in are yet to be published so I am unable to share any images. However, just published is the new version of the legendary Campaign magazine. I was asked to photograph Moray MacLennan and Maurice Saatchi to accompany an interview that Moray conducted with one of the founders of Saatchis. Moray is Worldwide CEO of M&C Saatchi. The interview was particularly humorous and so the portrait needed to reflect this. Art Director Tim Scott and I showed them Baileys infamous shot of The Kray Twins, Maurice supplied a spare pair of his spectacles for Moray, and this was the result.
In the early 1970’s, Chris Wilkins came up with the idea for the very famous Cadburys Smash advertising campaign ‘For Mash Get Smash’ featuring a group of giggling martians. In a very small kitchen at the offices of BBH, Chris was very happy to perform for my camera, and regale us with stories of how they made the advert.
Peter Mead was one of the founders of advertising agency Abbot Mead Vickers. I photographed him outside what was the HQ of J. Walter Thompson with a packed lunch. The reason for the sandwich? Having left school he applied for a job at JWT who were based in Berkeley Square at the time. They offered him a position in the dispatch department for £3 a week. He was told that there was a staff canteen but that he wouldn’t be able to afford it, but that it was fine to eat his sandwiches in Berkeley Square. He turned the job down and instead joined Bensons, another big agency. He says, “In 1997, I returned to Berkeley Square. It was the day my agency was ranked number one for the first time, leapfrogging JWT and deposing Saatchi & Saatchi at the top. I marked it by bringing my lunch with me – a Tupperware box of smoked salmon sandwiches – which I ate in the square”.